Congratulations to SpaceX for Your Successful Flight!

SpaceX has successfully completed the flight of the SN8 prototype of its Starship rocket. Well, almost successfully. Alas, the Starship exploded on impact with the ground. However its takeoff, flight to a height of eight miles, belly flop maneuver at the highest point of its trip, and its descent were perfect. Then, at the last second, the vehicle and the earth had a minor disagreement over where the air ended and.. Read More

Mike Snead Presents SSP at the Envision Humanity and Planet Masters Conferences

In this first video, Mike Snead, P.E., president of the Spacefaring Institute, was invited to present at the Envision Humanity conference held in Portugal on 18 July 2020. This presentation was delivered via video. It addresses the world green energy needed to “globally reset” human civilization using astroelectricity (GEO space-based solar power) to achieve sustainable, prosperous living worldwide. The presentation also shows why the “Green New Deal’s” call to use.. Read More

We Need Housing on the Moon

NASA intends to land a man and a woman on the moon by 2024. This time not just to plant flags and footprints, but to stay. However, there’s a fly in NASA’s ointment. There is no place to stay on the moon. No nice, comfy housing. There’s no construction equipment to build that housing and to bury it so it’s safe from radiation. There’s no means to produce water and oxygen. There’s no greenhouse.. Read More

SDSC Calls for a NASA Shift

The Space Development Steering Committee calls on NASA to radically rethink its program to land on the moon by 2024, its Artemis program, rebuilding that lunar mission around SpaceX’s vehicle-in-development, the Starship. In fact, the Space Development Steering Committee calls on NASA to reconceive all of its programs with the Starship in mind. Why? The SpaceX Starship is designed to take one hundred tons or one hundred passengers to the.. Read More

China’s New Silk Road vs. America’s Platinum Highway in the Sky

In 2020, the race is on to determine which nation will lead the world, China or the United States. The Bible says that without a vision, a nation will perish. Does America have a vision as big as China’s? Howard Bloom argues that we do, and that America needs to build a Platinum Highway. Read the article here.

Not So Dark Skies

In his paper on The Space Review, Al Globus rebuts Dark Skies, a book calling for the end of space settlement. The full text is at The Space Review. In the book Dark Skies Daniel Deudney examines space settlement in detail and comes to the conclusion that it is so likely to exterminate humanity or have other serious consequences that it should not be undertaken at all, or at least not for.. Read More

Space Can Save the Earth

Howard BloomFounder and Chair: Space Development Steering CommitteeAuthor of The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition in the Forces of History     The resources of space can save the earth.          Solar power harvested in space and transmitted to earth can eliminate man-made greenhouse gas emissions completely. In other words, space solar power can end the human contribution to global warming.          The incoming energy is.. Read More

Space-Based Solar Power, a Solution

A video created to explain the way that space solar power could be scaled to zero carbon emissions by our civilization. The business model presented is one option, as developed by Keith Henson. The video product is ©Mafic Studios, Inc. SpaceX footage courtesy of SpaceX, all other stock footage courtesy various stock sites.

The Best Way to Make a Profit as an Aerospace Company Is to Fail

The SMIC, the Space Military Industrial Complex, has killed America’s manned and womanned access to space on American vehicles for nearly ten years in order to siphon over $30 billion dollars from the United States’ treasury into its corporate coffers. Meanwhile, China is working hard to outpace America in space, to take possession of the resources in the skies, and, say Chinese sources, to colonize the solar system.  He who.. Read More

$100 Million Clean Energy from Space

The Air Force Research Lab has announced a $100 million contract with Northrop Grumman to develop the technology to harvest solar power in space and transmit it to earth.    Why is this important? Space Solar Power is an energy source the Chinese intend to own by 2035. And he who owns Space Solar Power will own the earth. Space Solar Power will be the dominant energy source of the.. Read More